Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm now a blogger!

Starting today I'm going to write my blogs which you will find in "THE LION'S DEN". Derived from such a fearful place to intrude into, my kind of a "Lion's Den" however welcomes all my Facebook friends regardless of how they would normally react once attempting to or have already set their foot inside the den. I'll assure my visitors though, that the lion they will find inside the den is an extremely tamed and gentle beast that will offer them plentiful nourishing thoughts, sentiments, humors (most of which are hopefully not of KJ and toilet varieties) derived from day to day observations, personal experiences, retro happenings and practically any topic under the sun which the lion can offer from his plate. My blogs will also include among other things, personal opinions and commentaries based on objective observations on political, economic, social and sports events not only here in our country but elsewhere throughout the world. So from hereon, may I invite you to come and take a peek inside "THE LION'S DEN".

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